I've never celebrated Valentine's, maybe because it's not an old Romanian tradition and because all the commercial part makes me sick...and also maybe because I've never felt that the person I was with deserved that kind of celebration. The idea of celebrating love is so wonderful that I've always felt I'd be untrue to it if I treated it conveniently, and superficially, that it will turn out to be some kind of...Christmas. This year I'll spend it by myself, and I am wondering...even if the person I'm seeing would be in town...would I want to give him a present as a symbol for Valentine? And the simple mere thought of it makes me feel good. Doubt is good, doubt is the doorway to every possible path, it questions things and questions are a child's toy while growing up, and as long as there are questions there will always be answers.
I've always liked this poem, it's truthful. It's an open answer, and an open question.
Well, Happy Valentine's to all whom will happen to read this little post.