miercuri, 10 decembrie 2008
I'm going to be an AUNTIE!
sâmbătă, 22 noiembrie 2008
My Flickr Almost Mosaic

1. You have to type your answer to each of the 12 questions listed below into Flickr Search.
2. Then, using only the first page of search results, pick one image.
3. Copy & paste the URL for each image into this cool mosaic maker (after adjusting it to make sure there are 12 squares).
4. You then put the photos you get as search results into a mosaic, that while are not your images (I have the credits listed for the talented photographers in a list below, as well), but kind of describe you and your life in a visual feast of a photo collage (mosaic).
1. What is your first name? (Patricia)
2. What is your favorite food? (grapes)
3. What high school did you go to? (Liceul George Calinescu, Constanta, but I had to search for Constanta cause there were no results for my high school)
4. What is your favorite color? (green)
5. Who is your celebrity crush? (Johnny Depp)
6. Favorite drink? (wine)
7. Dream vacation? (Peru)
8. Favorite dessert? (creme brulee)
9. What did you want to be when you grew up? (theatre actress)
10. What do you love most in life? (peace)
11. One word to describe you. (intuitive)
12. Your own photo on Flikr. (it's a photo of a small ship I took here in Constanta)

marți, 11 noiembrie 2008
joi, 6 noiembrie 2008
Why I hate politics...a memory.

First of all how much I hated my white stockings...I was itching every second...how much I hated my long skirt and the belt...which was too loose...and how I was wondering when the elder kids would stop singing that stupid song that went like this...”I have my scarf/ I'm a pioneer (x2)/ It's flauting in the wind, as pledge of our promise/ My first promise as a pioneer...”etc, etc...and also...”Ta-ra-ta-taaaaaaaa, the trumpets called! Ta-ra-ta-taaaaaaaaaa, and in one voice we saaaaaaang! We thank the party from the bottom of our hearts!...etc...etc...(I can't remember that one very well)...but I can remember that I thought the party was a person or something...The really cool thing was visiting that huge ship, eating cookies and drinking something that was so very rare...Pepsi!, none of them offered by that Party guy, but by our parents... Oh, and taking pictures...Then in class I became a “row commander”, one of the three, subordinated to the “class commander” who was subordinated to the “brigade commander” and I was wearing a red braid...etc etc etc...
So I guess I'm not being totally honest when I say I've never been involved in politics because I have been...since that day...;)...and have hated it all the way.
Oh, and...in the photo...I am the one on the left. And this is a repost, I wrote this on Janusry 20, 2007. I guess I'll repost things every once in a while...
miercuri, 5 noiembrie 2008
Liar liar!

There's the question of being honest in the process and I admit sometimes I'm forced to "veil" it in such a way that my "receptor" shouldn't feel embrassed or worst. I do care a great deal about it, especially when the issues are so small that the whole truth is not really necessary. I spare you the examples, you know what I mean.
Anyway, we have a new colleague who teaches Maths, she's really nice and everything. Actually she is the definition of nice which is a high quality in a colleague. But she talks soooooo much and sooooo loud that my 10 minutes break become harder than the actual class sometimes. I smoke, it's a bad habit, I know, so smokers (teacher who smoke) have a little private room where we can poison ourselves without the knowledge of children etc...She is a smoker too, so we're stuck with her. During our break we have coffee and cigarette and we exchange opinions on different matters or we just chat...but on things that really interest us...or we just make jokes and laugh and relax in between classes....generally, speaking in a moderate tone of voice (since previously we'd have enough of LOUD children's voices).....and sometimes we just keep quiet, cause everyone has something on their minds or just because we don't feel like saying anything nor do we feel forced to make conversation.
I understand that my new colleague can feel the need to be perhaps more talkative than normal because she's new in this school and maybe she feels really nervous about it. I don't know...Or maybe she's just too open that she feels the need to share every single detail of her life with us...Either way, I've come to know a lot of things about her and her boyfriend, her way of living and even though I appreaciate the confidence she's showing me/us I don't really want to know these things, not just yet.
And she always interrupts the speaker...I mean, I hardly have the chance to finish my sentence because she's constantly interrupting me, being so eager to complete what I was going to say...Yesterday she came into our little room where another colleague and I were having coffee, she sat down, I was checking my mobile phone, my colleague was reading something so she just asked: "How come nobody's talking?" I couldn't stand it anymore so I said: "We were waiting for you!" thinking that she'd be aware of the meaning of my exclamation. She didn't seem to. So today, while having a conversation with her about her native town, I said: "I should have known you're from C!". She asked in marvel: "Really? How come?" "Cause you just talk so much!"
And then it happened: she kept silent for 5 whole seconds! It was bliss! Then she apologised, she said she knew she had this problem but that it's just because of her profession. Well excuse me, I'm a teacher too and she's about my age!
Anyway...I felt bad about the whole thing and just needed to write it down, get it off my chest...Whew!
luni, 3 noiembrie 2008
When just a poem does the trick...
Nichita Stãnescu
The golden age of love
My hands are in love,alas,
my mouth loves -
and see, I am suddenly aware
that things are so close to me
I can hardly walk among them
without suffering.
It is a sweet feeling
of waking, of dreaming,
and I am here now, without sleep -
I clearly see the ivory gods,
I take them in my hands and
thrust them, laughing, in the moon
up to their sculpted hilts -
the wheel of an ancient ship, adorned
and spun by sailors.
Jupiter is yellow, Hera
the magnificent shades to silver.
I strike the wheel with my left hand and it moves.
It is a dance of sentiments, my love,
many a goddess of the air, between the two of us.
And I, the sail of my soul
billowed with longing,
look for you everywhere,and things come
ever closer,
crowding my chest, hurting me.
duminică, 2 noiembrie 2008
sâmbătă, 25 octombrie 2008
Take a random quiz...
What Patricia Means |
P is for Pookie A is for All Mine T is for Tator Tot R is for Rabbit I is for Incandescent Eyes C is for Cheeky Monkey I is for Itchy Lips A is for All Mine |
miercuri, 22 octombrie 2008
Briefly about my week-end

luni, 20 octombrie 2008
Enjoy some ballet videos
I haven't taken them, but they're from the same show, the "Russian Ballet Gala" with dancers from the Balsoi Theatre. It was marvelous, I really enjoyed myself so I didn't try to take pics or videos and risk to be thrown out. Luckily someone did risk it about two weeks ago in another city and posted them on Youtube so you can also see them...My keyboard and mouse are playing tricks on me so I'll write more the next few days. I hope a next weekend I'll be in Bucharest I'll have time to walk as much as I want, all around the places I like...Anyway, here are the videos:
"Russian Dance"
A moment from "Carmen", the quarrel betwen the gipsy women and the moment gets arrested. I wish she could have posted other moments...but I do understand why she couldn't! The show was part of the "Art against drugs" campain, but they do come every year in Romania...
sâmbătă, 18 octombrie 2008
Away for....one day
miercuri, 15 octombrie 2008
This week...last week...next week?
Anyway, I was thinking just now…how could I define my weekdays?
- Monday - uh oh the foreplay of deception
- Tuesday - er...same old...nothing out of the ordinary...
- Wednesday - already? nah, that's too soon...
- Thursday - it's getting warmer all of a sudden...
- Friday - perfect bliss...return to innocence...
- Saturday - sun, cigarettes and serendipity...
- Sunday - how soft these pillows are...;)
Can you say I'm ranting? Really? Where did you get this from?;)
duminică, 12 octombrie 2008
I should start taking my own advice...
I'd really should start listening to my own piece of advice cause I'm the same way, blaming myself for things that I didn't do, for other's people behaviours that have nothing to do with who I am, but only with whom they are.
Does this mean that I should stop caring or that simply I should learn to dettach myself in order to skip the hurting part? Either way, I'm on the good path I think.
And I surely hope it's going to work.
One of those days
Sorry for the venting. Or not.
miercuri, 8 octombrie 2008
Digital...television, internet...phone?
But...in the end I had to keep up with progress and now I'm about to open a magical box that carefully holds within another magical box that holds within unravelled secrets by the knowledge of which I am on the way of being able to watch over 100 TV channels etc...(I know you've been praying for an "etc" somewhere soon in the last sentence...;))
Problem is...I'm not quite sure I'll manage. They say it's just a piece of cake, probably chocolate also. And that anyone could do it. I surely hope so. I do have a contact phone number if I don't manage switching to digital. My guess is I'll be needing it but I just hope they're right and I'll soon be watching RAIUNO and HBO Comedy.
Fingers crossed?
marți, 7 octombrie 2008
Oooh, sweet blogging!

Hi, I'm Patricia and I still remember the golden days when I used to be a faithful blogger. Don't mind this pic, I was a bit blue last night and found this really cool site which can give you...unusual facets to your still-to-be-discovered personality and that put a bunch of smiles on my face before starting snorring into the dreamworld...
Do you remember why and how you started blogging in the first place? That's how I felt when I started writing here, since I had no idea what a blog was and since the only reason that I had for me writing here was that a link to my page existed on someone else's page...and the only content I had at the time was an avatar! I'm being pretty confusing, but it's late and I'm tired...:) So here's me when I started writing a blog entry (back in the yahoo360 golden age):

At first I kept the personal side quite at a distance writing more about preferences I have...art, literature, movies, songs...Oh, yes...and I remember when I visited other people's blogs...ha ha ha!...I was like:"OMG, how do they post all this stuff in here?" referring to videos, photos and other little jewels like this...Those of you who have read this blog long enough know that I've confessed to being a computer illiterate! But slowly I got there! Try this to feel how I felt at my first attempts!
Oh, but then some difficult months dropped by in my life, uninvited and so terrible that I don't want to remember them anymore and so I started letting it all out here...In the meantime I got rid of me being shy and I started adding friends or accepting friends' requests...and so...I discovered some amazing people...who actually cared! And then I realised what my/our kind of blogging was all about...I could talk about virtually anything with people and get a feed-back, maybe be more open and frank than in real life...
Then I had to move to Multiply because of all the technical difficulties on yahoo360 and somehow I've lost the blogging apetite on the way...Plus there were some major disappointments in matter of online friends...who knows, I might switch back some day, but for now I enjoy being almost anonymous in here. I thought about starting writing my blog as a journal as I used to...
This school year is kind of difficult, I'm exhausted almost every day but I should just start writing about my days in here, without thinking I might bore people to death...I think I should start thinking about me and what I like to do and write, I haven't done it in a long time....
Good night! it's still a long way till the week-end!:)
Smiles and kisses,
sâmbătă, 4 octombrie 2008
Sunny October week-end
Anyway, I'm really glad I went cause I had the chance to see a beautiful tiny garden and relax with some quality chatting...plus it turns out their neighbours are some really old colleagues of mine with whom I went to a winter camp....about 10 years ago!:)
Now it's really sunny and hot outside, one could swear summertime is back on Romanian ground!:) Anyway, let me share with you some shots I took today!
Weevil&green pepper flower
I loved these, I have no idea how they're called
I always forget the name of these flowers...:(
I believe people in Romania call this the "ice flower"...
Garden windmill with smilies...:)))))))))
Coto, the chaw chaw, la "piece du resistence"...;)
I want a house with a gardeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen! God?
joi, 2 octombrie 2008
Teach! Teach! I've done my homework! (January 30, 2008)

Friendship - Write similies to describe what friendship is like
Friendship looks like....a tree.
Friendship feels like....wood.
Friendship tastes like....Merlot.
Friendship sounds like...a piano playing.
Friendship smells like....the sea.
Favourite Things - Write what your favourite things are. In one sentence aim to be detailed and imaginative.
My favourite taste is...bitter-sweet.
My favourite sight is...the seaside.
My favourite sound is...a river flowing.
My favourite feeling is...love.
My favourite smell is...floral perfume.
About Me - Create an 'I' poem using this format
My name is...Patricia.
Most of my friends call me...Pati.
I am...who I am and it’s not the end of the world.
I have...a cat, a car, many books, an attitude and I....will want always want to have more, I suppose.
I like...the sea, the sun, my cat, my books, ballet, theatre, be unpredictable but
I dont like....lies, manipulative people and here the list could go on and on.
I love ...sleeping, chatting with good friends, writing, kissing but
I dont love...conventional conversations, even though it seems I’m really good at that…
I have...already written what I have…
I don't believe...in the “I can’t” sentence, even though I suspect I often use it when I want to turn smth down politely… but
I do believe....in the “I can try and do it” sentence and really mean it…
I used to think....I am not worth very much but now
I think....quite the opposite.
My favourite...past time is going out with friends, driving, be active but...if they’re not available I enjoy my solitude and really enjoy lazing around.
I listen to...all kinds of music but not all the time.
I watch...movies a lot, some TV, my cat playing but not endlessly.
I read...books I think could interest me but I hate reading the newest best-sellers.
I eat...a lot when I’m hungry but nothing if I’m upset.
I say...things I mean but sometimes things I don’t mean.
I am always...running late but
I am never...actually that late!
I dream...to be in love again.
I look forward to...going to Venice next week-end.
I hope...I can live another 35 years.
I am....so…me…that I can surprise myself all the time.
I.....need to prove myself so many things…still…
miercuri, 1 octombrie 2008
P.S. I just noticed Blogger displayed this entry on September 30...well, today is October 1st!;)
luni, 29 septembrie 2008
My running nose and I salute you

vineri, 26 septembrie 2008
European Day of Languages

joi, 25 septembrie 2008
Roundabout (October 28, '07)

passing by crossroads
my own
others' and my own...
Crossing woods of words
seas of whispers
rivers of tears
mountains of happiness
and valleys of despair...
Taking my time,
ignoring time,
denying time to time itself
and to creation...
Walking slowly
and running fast
towards...some place, some...
towards...new crossroads.
And now I'm here.
Out of the woods of words
Out of the seas of whispers
Out of the rivers of tears
Down of the mountains of happiness
Up from the valleys of despair...
It's time to take a roundabout.
miercuri, 24 septembrie 2008
Welcome to my Wordland (October 4, 2007)
They say I started to talk properly before I even walked and it seems like I only had only one twist of letters which I corrected quickly and which was pretty unusual...of course, we're talking about Romanian here so it will be a little harder to explain...I used to invert the "F" with an "S", rather unusual since these are two wholy different sounds...So instead of saying "cafea" (=coffee) I used to say "casea" and instead of saying "Ce faci?" (=how are you?) I was saying "Ce saci?"...Anyway, it seems that soon I loved to talk all of the time, I was unstoppable, but it seems like I only used to say words the meaning of which I already knew or it was deducible...
Then it seemed to me that foreign languages weren't that foreign and I chose to study those cause it was not a great effort at all...Then I started writing things, for myself, but never using meaningless words, just trying to respect them at all times...No form without meaning for me, it's too easy the other way around...
Anyway, I'd like to write more but before I'll get to bore you good people to death I'll just take this survey...my answers won't be that spectacular...first because I'll have to adapt them for English...and second, because there are so many words spinning around in my head all the time...sometimes mixing the languages...which is so funny and which is why my friends say that I'm like a TV aerial antenna reproducing foreign channels...
Oh, I watched a documentary once and they were saying that for each language that a person learns a new centre for speaking is developed by the brain and they proved it while operating on a lady's brain...and she was awake so they won't damage some important centres...That lady could speak English and Spanish and the moment they touched her speaking centre for Spanish and asked her a question in Spanish she answered in English that she couldn't understand that language...wow!
I also talk very fast but I keep that under surveillance (which is an effort) and some people might say that sometimes I talk very slow! It's just when I happen to be an interpreter...with the headphones on...you really have to be fast!
OK, my survey answers:
1. What word (or expression) do you use far too frequently?
In English it would be "just"...since I often tell people what I was "just" doing or...to soften things a bit I use expressions like...I "just" want to know..., I was "just" wondering, that's all...etc...etc...etc...Of course, being a word that I use too often, I hate it.
In Italian I use too often "allora" and my friend Sonja knows what I'm talking about here...People just (!!!!) use it all the time when they start saying something, anything...ot when they just (again!) want to inquire about everything and nothing..."Allora?"...
In Romanian...is just... "Ce faci?" (see translation above)
2. What word do you use not frequently enough?
Ah, that's an easy one...I don't use frequently enough the expression... "Sorry, can't help you" and sometimes I wished I would have.
3. What word do you use when swearing is not appropriate?
When swearing is not appropriate I don't swear...I rarely do and most often...when I drive.
4. What's the most recent new word you learned?
I'm not really aware of what exact word I've recently learnt...
5. What's a word you've invented? (alternate question: What needs a word but doesn't have one?)
In Romanian when it's a hailstorm and there are all those little ice pieces around...we don't have a word for it...we say "It's raining with hailstones"...and because in Italian one can say it with one word ("Grandina") I say "grindineste" in Romanian and people always laugh at that.
6. List five favorite words!:
In English I love all those adverbials ending in a "-ly"....really really truthfully loving them, the sound of them...then...I like the word "marvel"/"marvelous", then..."Supercalifragilisticespialidocious"...I totally adore this one...then..."espresso" pronounced by the English speakers....well...I like all words, really...
Shape of my heart (June 29, 07)
My heart was wide open when I was born, like anyone else'sIt didn't want to beat at first, but the care and love of doctor and nurses made it work in a heartbeat
And it stayed that way
expanding and exploring new horizons
'cause this is only natural for a heart to do.
It had no shape.
Or more likely its shape used to change...all the time...from butterfly to cloud
to wind
to fire
to earth
to all those small and great things around
seeking love, demanding love,
offering itself.
Then the natural course of life made it withdraw and close.
Its twin heart stopped beating,
'cause that's what hearts do when they're tired.
They rest
for eternity.
My heartbeat carried on, took over,
and my heart finally found a shape:
a pond lily at sunset.
And it was only a perpetual sunset my heart lived for.
It occasionally reopened.
Again and again...
But being a pond lily was so convenient...
And then it was aware that dawn had come for it too.
It opened, streched and perfumed the morning air with its new passion.
And then it expanded...all over...again...
It had no shape again and yet it could take any shape...
...any shape but the pond lily's...
My heart has no shape.
And it's scared
of a new not wanted and not welcome sunset.
7 wishes for yesterday, today, tomorrow (July 7, '07)
but I do.
Wish I didn't have regrets,
it's not fashionable.
But I do.
Wish I could love less
but I can't.
Wish life had been more fair to me
but this is life.
Wish I could take back things I said without meaning them,
but they were said
and sometimes we stumble into words.
Wish I could fight less and surrender more
but it's not easy to lose battles.
Wish you were here.
It was a dark and stormy night...a short short story (June 15, 2007)

It was a dark and stormy night...but only because the guys at the electrical company really had messed up, so they announced on the radio...Well, at least the storm wasn't their fault...so half of the frustration and impotence Alice was experiencing was all nature's playing tricks on her...Oh, yes, she could have bet her life on that one, she was thinking, while contemplating the new dress and shoes she was supposed to wear at her company's cocktail party that evening...an outdoor cocktail party...which got canceled irrevocably..."Damn this storm, I can't hear myself thinking"...She was really counting on this opportunity as she was going to approach the boss of all bosses and present her new idea of a project she had been working on for the last few weeks...and which didn't seem to appeal to her direct boss...so much like the one in that movie..."The office"...
She had lit some candles and she was preparing to go to bed...at 9pm!...as she couldn't really stand all her thoughts roaring in her head, leaving blood stains on her tremendous ego...
Apparently Buck, her friend's dog she had had in care for the last few days, wasn't of the same opinion...as he was desperately grating the entrance door in the obvious attempt of freeing himself...on every possible level, if you know what I mean...Only that Alice had no intention to get outside in the storm for a bear necessity she didn't have any understanding for..."I'll just let the dog out and I'll stand in front of the door while he finishes", she thought and she put on her raincoat over her silk orange bed gown. She unlocked the door, got out and watched the dog who was happily running in circles, without seeming to be really bothered by the rain, thunder and lightening show...
"It's really chilly and windy, I should go back inside now", she said to herself and turned back to the half-open door...only to watch it slam in her face!..."Damn it! Damn it!" she screamed while hitting in vain her forehead against the door...Needless to say...she didn't have the keys...and Buck...oh, well, was nowhere to be found...She got out in the rain, calling the dog and thinking she should go and ask some neighbours for help. She really didn't know anyone in that neighbourhood but she was sure someone would do something on a dark and stormy night for a young, attractive and obviously intelligent soaked woman...She was standing on the sidewalk cursing the storm, the perfect darkness, Buck, her boss, but mostly her towel orange slippers!
Right at the moment she was thinking there is no God whatsoever a Rolls pulled over, the right back door opened and she heard a voice asking: "Is that you, Miss Carmichael? From the Marketing?"..."Er...yes, it's me...er...yeah...who...who's asking?" Useless to tell you, dear readers, it was the boss of all bosses...oh, well, the happy ending is near and then you can all sleep tight...she got invited in the car, she presented her project, a locksmith was sent for, the electricity came back, she was promoted at work, Buck was safely deposited in his owner's arms and house provided with an entrance door designed for dogs...And of course Alice changed her mind about dark and stormy nights...
marți, 23 septembrie 2008
Zaraza - a true sad crazy love story (June 27, 2007)
Once upon a time...well, it was more like 1944...in an Eastern european capital, Bucharest, people were having the blast of their lives, even among and under the most fierceful American bombardaments like they'd had for the last twenty years...From the Opera House to the most humble pub in the slums...Take a look...The song was aso very famous... My grandfather used to sing it sometimes...
Food was cheap, hotels hospitable and summer restaurants were the main attraction with their jazz bands or the local folk bands...The clients were always happy to party, and very often you could see German officers accompanied by "luxury women"..."boneless women", as someone called them...
One of these women was Zaraza, precisely Zarada, a traditional gipsy name. It means The Wonderful.
The story starts now, when this young woman enters The Red Fox, a restaurant on the Selari street, arm in arm with some insignificant man, part of a jolly bunch of people. She was indeed a gipsy, her face looked rough, her lips seemed those of a sensual man and her hair was so black and shiny that she must have poured lots of nut oil on it.
At some point of the show presented in the restaurant, here he was, the most applauded singer of the city, Cristian Vasile. The audience was delirious. Everybody was coming there for him...though there was another band with another singer in some other restaurant...Zavaidoc...Both Zavaidoc and Cristian used to pay low life gangs for protection and sometimes there were fights with knives and swords for artistic supremacy...But that night they were at peace...
That night he sang a brand new song...no, his voice was just beautiful, not like on those old Pathe disks we all know...The audience was fascinated, many of them didn't dare breathing and they all had long forgotten all about their food and drink...Most women were crying...Zaraza felt very surprised feeling tears coming out of her eyes and she couldn't remember the last time she had felt a tear finding its way down on her face...
She followed him in the back, she sat in front of him and they had a drink and talked for hours and hours and late in the night they left together and for the next two years they were inseparable. He used to call her "his adored lunatic"...He wrote a song about her...
When you come, senorita, in the evening in the park
With lilly petals all around you,
You have sweet passions in your eyes and sinful sparks
and your body is that of a feline snake.
Your mouth is a poem of crazy desires,
your breast a sublime treasure
You're a daemon from my dreams, who torments me and lie to me
But you have the smile of an angel.
Here's the song and his voice recorded back then....
This song was on everyone's lips and Zaraza was now as famous as her "celeberrimo" lover...But...the other singer, Zavaidoc, was losing clients...He tried to beat Cristian at his own game by fair methods, spending hours and hours in front of his piano...He even stole one of Sinatra's songs and got blamed for it. The boss of the gang he was paying for protection came out with a plan...He said Cristian had an angel's voice so he couldn't kill him...but an artist without his muse is nothing...
So the next evening, when Zaraza went out to buy cigarettes for her lover she was attacked and killed...They cut her throat...She was found in the morning, after a night of search with her dress soaked in blood...The police said Cristian had a mad look in his eyes...She was incinerated and he took her ashes home with him...and that very evening he started a ritual who would last for the next four months and which is difficult to be described...and understood...every evening he used to eat one teaspoon of her ashes...until they were gone...
Then he poured turpentine down his throat, burning his throat and never being able to sing again...and then he vanished from the real Bucharest as well as from people's memory...
They say that in 1959 there was this man, looking like a homeless man, who was working at the theatre in Piatra Neamt as a machinist and everyone was saying his name was Cristian Vasile and that he was famous once...
I want you to tell me, beautiful Zaraza,
Who loved you before,
How many have cried for you like mad men
And how many have died for you.
I want your sweet mouth, Zaraza,
To always get me drunk
By your kisses, Zaraza,
I want to die too...
The little voice in my head is telling me (May 17, 2007)
One thing is certain. Little voices do exist. For real. It's not us, as psychologists want us to believe. Nooo, no, no, no!...They have a life of their own. Mine is pretty much on vacation all the time, getting a tan for all I know or catching flies or something...I guess "THEY" don't pay it enough. Hell, I'd do the same thing if I were IT. So, you see, my little voice has a pretty laid back life...maybe I'll trade with IT...hmm...
But...when IT is needed there's another tiiiiiiny little voice (they come in all shapes and colours, mine is red) that is sent to get into the head of MY little voice and whisper to it (I haven't heard of a yelling little voice yet): "Go get her! Make it a mess this time! You'll even get a raise!"
And then...then, dear readers...disasters, apocalyptical cataclysms happen...I'll always get burnt, scalded, injured...but that's nothing...sometimes I hurt people and hurt myself in the process...and my little voice says "I WAS ONLY MAKING A SUGGESTION..."
So...theoretically...we are the voices in our little voices' heads...I think...What? (Wait, I'm having a conversation with my little voice...back from the Bahamas...)
1. Don't send the tiiiiiiiiiiny little voice to get YOUR little voice to get you!
2. Don't ever listen to IT, Ignore IT!
joi, 18 septembrie 2008
Silly acrostic of my name

Almost by themselves, head in the clouds
Tick-tack of a clock racing like a heart, had it little hands!
Responding, replying, relying, rejoicing, recrying, rejumping…
Instantly creating a balance between paws, gallops, pauses and hands!
Cause what would a P be without an A, T, R, I, C, I, A?
I guess it would be just a P…J
A puzzle to dazzle a B, M or J!
The Door

This is not me here.
This is not a gun in my hands.
These are not bombs exploding.
These are not my mates bleeding around me.
This is not my war.
I need a way out.
I need a door to wide open for me.
The door out of Hell.
This is a shred of me here.
This is a tool like any other to help the shred survive the nothingness.
These are reminders of my life being wasted.
These are talking stains of blood on the carpet of silence.
This is the repeated suicidal attempt of humans.
This is a door.
Wide open.
The Heaven's door.
September 27, 2007

She was walking away...away from what she used to believe she was...no more...and she was spinning, ignoring the unpacking...the mess, the dust on the floor, the cobwebs...ignoring the past...in the middle of that present she was beginning to feel so alive...round and round and round....all the way....then the music stopped just as a clock struck ...and she froze there, like a statue, as if awoken...and she looked around...”What a mess!” she thought and she started picking up things from the floor...She raised her head then and she saw her own reflection in the mirror. She looked at it for a few seconds, timeless seconds...and then she just looked away.
“I'd better find my shoes now...”, she thought and walked away.
Back Home
No air...For so many years, no air...Trapped inside his own illusions, his own expectations, others' expectations, fooling himself every time...Always in search of a new life, always in search of the right choice, running away from home, from a world he thought was a traitor to him, running away from people, running away...Always changing his mind, always making plans, always starting something new, in the exaltation of a prison-breaker...only to find out it was a bad new start, a bad new plan, a bad everything...and falling, falling into the dark depth of his desert, angry as Hell, blaming himself, blaming the others, hurting himself...hurting the others...Always looking back...
And then he came back home...He was missing it so much he couldn't function anymore, he came back alone, no one followed him, no one... He was telling himself “I am OK with that, I am, the sea is all that I need”...He went to the beach wearing this really old pair of sneackers he had found in his mother's basement...He sat there for hours, contemplating the waves, thinking back on his life, wishing he could erase memories of the past forever, looking straight ahead, telling himself peace is everything that he wanted...He had his family, his old friends, all people who mattered to him so much and whom he had neglected all these years...They had always been there for him, cheering at all his new beginning, cheering at this new beginning...Cheering...
A little foam wave touched his feet...and he suddenly felt that those snickers were burning him, he just couldn't wear them anymore...He took them off and hanged them to the nearest lodge...What else was there left for him? The whole and the nothing...Barefoot...
November 5, 2007
My mirror

hanging here, in the open, for everyone to see...
Tell me, my one way mirror...
Through all the perfect things you see...
bim bam boom...
aren't I the prettiest from here to the moon
For so long
my nose could only smell
For so long
my ears could only hear
For so long
my hands could only touch
For so long
my mouth could only taste
That is enough.
I've been asleep for too long...
It's time to wake up
and give
my eyes
my nose
my ears
my hands
my mouth
A new life.
Dungeons and Dragons

this is my dungeon
my tower of faith and disbelief
my altar and my pulpit
the safest place someone can have...
my dragon's asleep...
What's out there?
some other dungeons
and pulpits
...hosting dragons...
standing solitary in this seemingly tidy chaos
we call life...
Some deserted
some populated
some over populated
some near
some far...
Mine is the safest...
and I'll gladly surrender
to its fierce eyes
and its fierce smile...
...all dragons need their rest...
Don't wake me, let me be...