Hi, I'm Patricia and I still remember the golden days when I used to be a faithful blogger. Don't mind this pic, I was a bit blue last night and found this really cool site which can give you...unusual facets to your still-to-be-discovered personality and that put a bunch of smiles on my face before starting snorring into the dreamworld...
Do you remember why and how you started blogging in the first place? That's how I felt when I started writing here, since I had no idea what a blog was and since the only reason that I had for me writing here was that a link to my page existed on someone else's page...and the only content I had at the time was an avatar! I'm being pretty confusing, but it's late and I'm tired...:) So here's me when I started writing a blog entry (back in the yahoo360 golden age):

At first I kept the personal side quite at a distance writing more about preferences I have...art, literature, movies, songs...Oh, yes...and I remember when I visited other people's blogs...ha ha ha!...I was like:"OMG, how do they post all this stuff in here?" referring to videos, photos and other little jewels like this...Those of you who have read this blog long enough know that I've confessed to being a computer illiterate! But slowly I got there! Try this to feel how I felt at my first attempts!
Oh, but then some difficult months dropped by in my life, uninvited and so terrible that I don't want to remember them anymore and so I started letting it all out here...In the meantime I got rid of me being shy and I started adding friends or accepting friends' requests...and so...I discovered some amazing people...who actually cared! And then I realised what my/our kind of blogging was all about...I could talk about virtually anything with people and get a feed-back, maybe be more open and frank than in real life...
Then I had to move to Multiply because of all the technical difficulties on yahoo360 and somehow I've lost the blogging apetite on the way...Plus there were some major disappointments in matter of online friends...who knows, I might switch back some day, but for now I enjoy being almost anonymous in here. I thought about starting writing my blog as a journal as I used to...
This school year is kind of difficult, I'm exhausted almost every day but I should just start writing about my days in here, without thinking I might bore people to death...I think I should start thinking about me and what I like to do and write, I haven't done it in a long time....
Good night! it's still a long way till the week-end!:)
Smiles and kisses,
2 comentarii:
You are never boring, my dear, so don't worry about that. I, too, waver between not being interested in blogging and then doing it fairly regularly. Usually, when I don't feel the need to express myself in words on my blog, I just pop around visiting other interesting blogs(such as yours) and then evenually I feel like writing again.
Sorry to hear school has been so draining for you(my teacher husband was at the end of his rope this past week and only knowing that he has a three-day weekend this weekend saved him)Hang in there...
Thank you, I feel way better! You know exactly what to say to make me feel that!:)
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