Reading some entries posted by old blogging friend Gal Friday (http://hotkerfuffle.blogspot.com/) I've realised how much I've missed blogging in the first place. My account on Multiply is still on, but I haven't used it either, it seems that great connection people had on Yahoo 360 is hard to be found again...Anyway, she has always had these lovely "Friday Fill-Ins", so I've decided to fill in one, even though it's not Friday.
I'm illustrating this entry with the photo of a cover book I've ben meaning to buy and read ever since Christmas, even though the list of books bought waiting to be read is quite long (not enough time or energy, so I need more discipline on that). I started reading it last night and I love the style.
Autobriographies and memories have always interested me very much, especially when that public figure had been one of my favourites (see Chanel). Actually my degree thesis (which was a nightmare to document and write) was entitled: "Il Settecento, un nuovo modello umano: Vittorio Alfieri, Giacomo Casanova, Carlo Goldoni, Lorenzo da Ponte" (title suggested by my professor) and was based on the autobiographies/memoires of these 4 great men.
So here it goes my Friday Fill-In:
1. I am so looking forward to _____________read more of Chanel's biography, even though I don't think I'll have much time this saturday, but I'll have definitely more on Sunday.
2. "Enjoy yourself, it's _________ your only option!:)
3. When you get __________to a turning point, look both ways.
4. Friendship _____________ is a big part of my life.
5. "If you need anything ______________ I'm here."
6. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____reading about CC and watch a movie, today my plans include _____visiting a musician friend to help him with some lyrics in English, and Sunday, I want to _____sleep late, hang around more on Facebook, read and take a walk by the sea if it's sunny and at least 5 degress centigrade.
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