vineri, 9 aprilie 2010

Healing Spring

The first Friday after Easter we celebrate here the Healing Spring day, a very important religious festivity. It reminds Christians of a healing spring in Constantinopolis the waters of which used to heal people, with at least one documented healing. The Healing Spring started being celebrated the second half of the first christian millenium and people go to churches and especially monasteries that have a spring nearby to take away water on this day and drink it so they can be/stay healthy...The significance of the celebration is deeper though, it comes within the week after Easter when Christians have eaten and drunk too much to remind them that the spirit is more important than matter represented by their stuffed bodies...

Anyway, part of my family chose to spend today outside Constanta, at an aunt's house who lives near a small new monastery which has a spring nearby:
Then we had a nice barbecue and talked and laughed...It was sunny and they had a swing and I swang in it looking at the bright sky and imagining I was touching it, just like when I was a kid...It was a rare occasion to see all four sisters (my mother and her three sisters) together...It's a long story, maybe I'll tell it some other are some snapshots of flowers, cows and geese I took today...I really enjoyed a day in the countryside...:)

people here call these easter bells
short irises
wax cherry tree flowers
the most peaceful cow
we went to buy some flower seeds from an old lady and she was leaving on this dusty lane, it seems a photo taken a century ago...
neighbour's geese

3 comentarii:

Allie spunea...

Buhuhuu ! Where is the purple cow ? :)):x

Patricia spunea...

Yum! Somewhere into my stomach, resting...;)

Gal Friday spunea...

All the scenes seem timeless--as if it surely did look like that a century ago.
So enjoyed the tour of the Romanian countryside.