joi, 12 februarie 2009

Valentine, by Carol Ann Duffy

Not a red rose or a satin heart.
I give you an onion.
It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.
It promises light
like the careful undressing of love.
It will blind you with tears
like a lover.
It will make your reflection
a wobbling photo of grief.
I am trying to be truthful.
Not a cute card or a kissogram.
I give you an onion.
Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,
possessive and faithful
as we are,
for as long as we are.
Take it.
Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding-ring,
if you like.Lethal.
Its scent will cling to your fingers,
cling to your knife.

I've never celebrated Valentine's, maybe because it's not an old Romanian tradition and because all the commercial part makes me sick...and also maybe because I've never felt that the person I was with deserved that kind of celebration. The idea of celebrating love is so wonderful that I've always felt I'd be untrue to it if I treated it conveniently, and superficially, that it will turn out to be some kind of...Christmas. This year I'll spend it by myself, and I am wondering...even if the person I'm seeing would be in town...would I want to give him a present as a symbol for Valentine? And the simple mere thought of it makes me feel good. Doubt is good, doubt is the doorway to every possible path, it questions things and questions are a child's toy while growing up, and as long as there are questions there will always be answers.

I've always liked this poem, it's truthful. It's an open answer, and an open question.

Well, Happy Valentine's to all whom will happen to read this little post.

duminică, 8 februarie 2009

Would you wear these?

Wouldn't it be nice not to spend any money on clothes and make some paper ones every day?;) I saw these in the windows on the Architecture Faculty in Bucharest and loved them.

luni, 26 ianuarie 2009

When tagging is oh so nice...:)

Good morning! I discovered this morning I was tagged by my friend Tina ( and it's an easy one so I'll gladly do it!:)

This is what you have to do:
1. Go to the the 4th folder where you keep your pictures on your computer.
2. Post the 4th picture in the folder.
3. Explain the photo.
4. Tag 4 fellow bloggers to join in the fun. (Lusy, Claudia, Arty, Viv)

My fourth photo from my fourth folder (the first ones start with numbers so they're not alphabetically ordered for this reason by the computer, this one is named 8C) was taken last June at my ex class Prom, and it's of four girls (now that's a cool coincidence!;)) chatting at their table: Anca, Oana, Adela and Iulia.

I loved that class so very much and the Prom was so much fun for all of us...We partied till dawn!:)

I have to go and get ready for school now. This was so much fun to do!:)

duminică, 18 ianuarie 2009

That's me today, while taking a walk on the beach...Oh yes, I am still around, trying to get out of the hibernation I've been taking refuge in lately...Busy days/weeks/months, mind and soul narrowing towards new horizons/limits...but always feeling the nostalgia of blogging.

It would be long and boring telling you what I have been up to these months since I haven't written one word in here...and beside the point.

Looking forward to my one week break in two weeks' time and looking forward to start finally focusing on my person and my person only, to start investing into the one true thing I've uniquely had for some years now, me.